*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

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Other Civilizations?

Greetings to you! It is good to be with you again! Our study this morning is about 'Alien Civilizations!' There are at least '36' Alien civilizations in our 'Milky Way Galaxy' alone! But we have even more civilization on this planet, that we know next to 'nothing' about! We have writings about 'Earthly Black Holes,' and mysterious Vertices occurring in remote areas. Some in our 'South American' anomaly. This reaction is accompanied by a field of traceable, but an unidentifiable radiation source! All this other 'worldly activity started with president 'Harry S. Truman' whose presidency was laden with many 'Alien-type' rumors! He initiated:

'The National Security Act, The National Security Council, and the 'C.I.A.' in response to the Alien threat! He also founded 'The Majestic 12! And the 'important' members were:

Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoekoter, Dr. Vannevaar Bush, Secy. James V. Porrestial, General Nathan Twining, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Dr. Detley Bronk, Dr. Jerome Hunaaker, Mr. Sidney W. Souere, Mr. Gordon Gray, Dr. Donald Menzel, General Robert M. Montague, and Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner. During this time of uncertainty and fear, these men were loyal to their country, and the president. This group may have enabled many 'fantastic' occurrences in the past. (Murders and assassinations) And we have some gross misunderstandings about their positions. Getting back to 'normal times today,' These influential individuals should be remembered for their impartial dedication to this country! But that's just our past Alien history.

We explore other 'Alien-type' information, like: 'The Inga Stone,' one of the anomalies that has hundreds of (again) unidentifiable markings (or hieroglyphic type) all over it. Contains symbols of astronomy and physics that are 150 feet long! It has emblems of 'The Southern Cross!' Many constellations like 'Orion' (and others) are completely mysterious! And the natives claim their 'memory' goes back millions of years! (Before time, as we know it) Quite a few of these 'gods' have similar names as if they were visited by the 'same' deity! Like the 'The Dogon of Mali, The Dagon of The Babylonians, The Dogu of Japan, The Dagoa of Ireland, and The Dragon' whose name 'echoes' in various terminologies all over the world! This name seems to be 'unanimous' with the definition of 'God' in flames when flying! (This name may be the 'original' spelling of the 'Soaring Spirit of God?')

Why do we have 223 genes in our 'DNA' that appears in no other species on Earth? This is from our recent DNA analyses in which we are looking for 'any' alien-type ancestor! I remember the 'Richard Byrd' story, where he thought he found a 'new Earth' in Alaska around the South Pole! With what looked like 'future civilizations' already living thee! We are warned to look out for three types of species: 'The Reptilians, The Nordics, and The Greys, type species. They have been the most prevalent, and rumored to have 'worldly' existed, here for millions of years! Genetically, we seem to share a number of 'DNA' genetic traits with the Reptilian species! (Surprise?) These Aliens may have genetically 'mixed and matched' our genome countless times before. Hopefully, our species is now stable. But where did we 'ultimately' come from? A 'checkerboard' symposium?

The mathematics of the historical 'Vedic writings' stretches our wildest imagination to no end. This goes back to an 'electrodynamic space-time!' This is also right on the border between 'fiction and factual science! If we look into our mountain areas around our deserts, in 'Area 51,' there is massive 'underground' excavation going on. But we'd never know it! There has been a massive 'cover-up' taking place. These huge tunneling mechanisms hide their earthly traffic by reducing even huge boulders to almost nothing by 'he-bleaching them!' (Which is a diluted combination of Mercury, Cyanide, and water (Hg (CN)2 + H20) reduces even insoluble materials to powdered dust! Leaving no traces or records of Earthly excavation.

And even more important than 'Area 51' is 'Wright-Patterson' Air Force base which has studied 'Aliens and Reverse Engineering Experimentation' for decades. And these 'edifices' are also, situated deep underground. They operate many of their experimental systems using 'quantum waves' and other intelligent information systems. They've found that quantum physics may control the world! Studies using this process has discovered a 'radioactive- ash' in India that has been there for over 12,000 years! And this was used with 'The Agneyastra' an Indian weapon so fierce it melted the hair and fingernails nearing its victims! This is from our technological past?

'LHCb's' are sometimes called particles that make-up everything. The 'Vedic' texts may represent even more of our past human history than we know! In the Bible, in Genesis chapter six, it teaches about the production of 'Titans' through insemination from 'God's Angels' in the wombs of our women! This angered God and caused a flood! Be that all as it may, we have evolved down to areas of the heart! 'The heart' with all of its nervous systems wiring, and it's command of the 'hormone system, Pulse waves, Electromagnetic fields, and all inter-connected nutrient supplied organisms. These fields remain part of our 'incalculable', yet misunderstood makeup!

Perhaps the ancient Minoan people' on the island of 'Crete' (3000 – 1100 BC) may have used language best: 'What do we call (extraterrestrial) disk-shaped flying saucer-like vehicles? The word translation is not English, French, or German. The word translation of the original flying saucer in 'Crete' terminology, (With over 40 other language comparisons) translated means: 'The Mother Goddess from Beyond!' (That says it all) Especially to a soft heart.

But we may all stand on an Egyptian hieroglyphic-type 'God' system. Where there were 9 God's of the universe! The sun God 'Atum, and his children 'Shu and Tefnut, their children; 'Geb and Nut, and their children Osiris, Seth, and Nephtys. The son of Osiris and Isis, 'Horus may also appear. These legends are still looked upon as ''Universal Gods' in various world religions. Some of these religious prayers were initiated during the Apollo- moon mission by operating officials. This prayer was using a 'Masonic-type' invocation ritual!

Thinking of Man's creation and what we have used for age identification. There is always 'Carbon 14!' But when using this method for the dating process, we must be careful to eliminate the possibility of a 'nuclear reaction' somewhere in the vicinity! In earlier, undeveloped 'Sindh, Pakistan,' the 'Mahabharata' alludes to existing skeletons that gives us information of nuclear type blasts in its 'momentous' writings. It shows nuclear-type blast remains (vitrified glass, and radioactive bones) at Mojhenjo Daro, (and many other places) nullifying scientific data on age. The radioactivity interferes with the carbon dating process which (due to its presence) gives only 'futuristic' (and other nonsensical) age readings! The problem here is: "Who had nuclear abilities, back then?" If not us, then who? (Or what?)

This world is 4.5 'Billion' years old! That's too old to find humans. So, we don't really know the 'exact age of Man?' If we look through all the prehistoric times (artifacts that still remain) up to 'today!' We can still only 'guess' the age of Man. But there are only a few statements we can make. One of them is: "Man is 'far' older, than only 6,000 years!" But how much older? …

We have developed under the auspice of a 6,000 years development period. But as we continue to search and study, we continue to find 'Man's? artifacts, (attributed to man?) many thousands of years older than 6,000. Studying the holy scriptures in many countries (in some cases) only 'alludes' to a perhaps 'supernatural' or an unnatural (as we know it) basis. We have been 'spared' these supernatural or extraterrestrial facts from our creation, with a bunch of supernatural stories that may, or may not be true. But the truth may start a huge revolution! Perhaps it's better to leave things as they are. Because many people will not understand why they were never told the truth, many years ago! (If it's proven to be true)

We have added and subtracted many 'Hominid' lifeforms during our time here on Earth! The ancient 'Sumerian writings' go back to our start as a species. They say it took 6 attempted creation tries to make man. We have seen 'Homo naledi' come and go about 300,000+ years ago. Homo 'Neanderthal' existed some 40,000 years ago. The 'Mayan Popol Vuh' says it took 3 creations to make man! The 'Homo Floresiensis,' (now called 'Hobbit) existed 18,000 years ago and was a species totally different from 'Homo sapiens. And we won't forget the Denisovans' that we see traces of 'DNA' still in existence from 30,000 years ago! We have had all types of Hominid species travelling on this planet. And when available, Homo sapiens mated with them all. When all conglomerations of species, worldly trials and pilgrimages, were done, our civilization (as the Homo sapiens species) started in 'Africa!'

Individual species aggression and war-like success came from our separation! In looking for our creation, many of us look to 'Charles Darwin' and his 'Creation of the species,' natural selection, and evolution. But for all the unanswerable questions we look to 'God!' But recent developments have made us look even closer for more answers that tend to make more common sense than an unbelievable fantasy! People, (or gods, angels, etc.) flying here from the sky above may have been planetary extraterrestrial in origin. This was not 'easily' recognized by our ancestors. Read 'The Mahabharata, The Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Quran, and the Bible, for starters. (With understanding) To be successful as a species, we must find 'peace' (not aggression) with each-other today!

The average 'Milky-Way' civilizations will have about one hundred years of outward communication before they chronologically go extinct. (Disease, world wars, etc.) they will use electromagnetic, radio-wave communications. The average planetary systems age will be 4.5 – 5.5 billion years old. They will be very similar in advancement to human systems. So, if we take all the evolutionary numbers into consideration, we come up with a number of about '36' planetary systems. With the lowest being 4, and the highest being over 200. That many systems currently exist today in our solar system. (The Drake equation) With perhaps 'many' more in our universe!

World history, excavations, research, and study have shown us we are 'Not the First' intelligent life to live on this planet! When we look into the 21st century, after 'millions of years of (it is said) worldwide 'extraterrestrial' occupation? Suddenly, we seem overcome with 'rumors' of 'Alien' presence among us? And I guess we should all ask: Are they, 'The Reptilians, The Nordics, The Greys, or …whatever?' Please look! 'Who among us only 'looks' human! But is not?' 'Can 'you' tell?' How do we now look at 'religion?' More to come! Stay tuned and stay well.

"If it is 'just' us, it seems like an awful waste of space!" - Carl Sagan

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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